Global aviation generates US$2.2 trillion in economy activity and making airspace more efficient and cutting costs will provide a big boost to the ability of airlines to connect more markets, including rolling out plans and preparedness towards ADS-B implementation and ADS-B data sharing to achieve seamless surveillance of civil aircraft and taking a closer look at the implications of modernizing air transportation systems for airlines, airports, ATC and other key industry stakeholders
Air traffic service providers and regulators around the world are moving toward airspace and flight operations to enable greater flexibility and adaptability, along with assuring improved traffic flow, capacity, efficiency and safety. A key part is the transition from radar surveillance to Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) to track airplanes in flight and on the ground more accurately and reliably and moving Air Traffic Management (ATM) from radar based system to a satellite-derived aircraft location system. The conference will discuss aviation safety, current ATM initiatives and opportunities, Air Traffic Control modernization priorities as well as preparedness towards ADS-B implementation plan, including sharing of experiences on ASD-B implementation and harmonisation of technical requirements, air traffic control operational procedures and explore potential ADS-B vulnerabilities.