Panel of Experts including….

Cynthia M Pornvalai, Partner, Tilleke & Gibbins, Thailand

Frank Zimmerman, Authorized Director ILF Asia/Business Line Manager, South East Asia for Renewable Energies/Senior Project Manager, Photovoltaics ILF Consulting Engineers (Asia) Ltd, Thailand

Associate Professor Dr. Jittichai Rudjanakanoknad, Deputy Director, Transportation Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Stan Bailey, Chief Executive Officer, Flood Defense Ltd, Thailand

Oliver Redrup. Director, Capital Projects & Infrastructure, PwC, Singapore

Rahul Kar, Technical Director, Climate Change and Sustainability, Ramboll Environ Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore

Benjamin Chang, Senior Vice President, Power Construction & Project Finance Leader, Asia, Asia Infrastructure Practice, Marsh (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Singapore

Jeroen Overbeek, Senior Project Manager, Maritime & Waterways, Royal HaskoningDHV, Singapore

Philippe Vancapernolle, Managing Director, SIXENSE Pte Ltd, Singapore

Ir Dr Low Kaw Sai, Faculty Member, Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering & Science, Department of Civil Engineering,Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Stephen Au, Managing Director, MTECH Engineering Co Ltd, Hong Kong

Henry Zhang, Principal Geotechnical Engineer, WSP(formerly Parsons Brinckerhoff), Australia

Mahim Khanna, Regional Director for Asia Pacific, TBA Group, Australia

Kiryl Badulin, Head of Business Projects Division, Skyway Technologies Co., Belarus

Thomaz Merz, Export Manager, ABI GmbH, Germany

Eastern Economic
Infrastructure Development Project

Conference 2018

  1. Overview
  2. Programme
  3. Gallery
  4. Delegates
  5. Exhibitors
  6. Exhibition Opportunities
DAY ONE (30 January 2018 )
08:30 Registration
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Heading towards Thailand 4.0 development plan to enhance the development of the EEC into reality: possibilities and challenges
(Development of the Eastern Economic Corridor, or EEC, is a crucial component of Thailand 4.0, the 20-year national strategy to evolve Thailand’s economy to one driven by innovation, creativity, research and development, higher and green technologies. The 10 industries the government considers essential to Thailand 4.0 will be clustered as much as possible in the EEC, and companies in those sectors could make use of the center. The industries are automobiles; smart electronics; petrochemicals; aviation; energy; food, agriculture and biotechnology; public health, health care, biomedical technology; robotics and smart devices; digital economy, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence; and creative economy, culture and lifestyle).
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Clearer overview for the EEC project development plan and pushing ahead with the plans to build the EEC as soon as possible
11:00 Key challenges of completing Bandar Malaysia Underground City project within the next 20 to 25 years
(According to Thailand’s Board of Investment (BOI), those investing in EEC area will enjoy special incentives that are highly competitive and considered 'most enticing ever' offered in Thailand. These include 50% deduction on corporate income tax (CIT) for five years in addition to a CIT exemption of 13 years and other incentives granted in line with the Competitive Enhancement Act, which includes a maximum corporate income tax exemption of 15 years, among others. The government will also provide other supports including eliminating barriers, rules and regulations in order to generate real, high-value investments as well as One Stop Service to facilitate investment in the area).
11:45 High-Speed Railway and the Landscape of Eastern Economic Corridor 2030
(Thailand is launching Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). In particular, the Bangkok-Rayong highspeed railway (HSR) links three international airports of Don Mueang, Suvarnabhumi, and U-Tapao, which is expected to change the landscape of the EEC area to be service oriented. This presentation will discuss the impacts of the high-speed railway projects in Thailand and the landscape of Thailand 2030 focusing on the EEC, and predict the impacts of HSRs on the EEC and the rest of Thailand).
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Why EEC jumpstart will bring Thailand closer to become key ASEAN investment and technology hub
(The Thai government emphasized on its readiness to jumpstart the new regional's economic hub, the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), to bring Thailand closer to become a leading ASEAN economic zone).
14:45 The EEC project and turning these provinces into a hub for technological manufacturing and services with strong connectivity to its ASEAN neighbors by land, sea and air
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 The immediate business opportunities for foreign investors, private sectors and business community in participating the selected four projects to initiate and accelerate the EEC development plan 
16:30 Panel Discussion
17:00 End of Day 1
DAY TWO (31 January 2018 )
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor – What you need to know
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 What's in for investors in the Eastern Economic Corridor Project?
11:00 Open dialogue with policy makers to accelerate and enhance planning and managing these infrastructure projects
11:45 Why do we need the EEC: building new opportunities for the next 20 years with the EEC development plan
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Discussion on how the EEC could help facilitate China's Belt and Road initiative
14:45 Monitoring the impact of the environment surrounding the EEC
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 The impact of economic corridors on Thailand
16:30 Concluding Panel Discussion
17:00 End of Conference

The Thai Government has approved a five-year investment plan worth USD 43 billion, consisting of 15 projects, as part of the initiative to develop an economic corridor covering three eastern provinces to upgrade its industries, with ample opportunities for foreign investors to participate in infrastructure projects and targeted industries, as well as an option to hold majority shareholders' rights in EEC area

The Thai government has announced new development plan towards realization of an economic corridor covering three eastern provinces to upgrade its industries, with ample opportunities for foreign investors to participate in the infrastructure projects and targeted industries. To that end, the Thai government has approved a five-year investment plan worth USD 43 billion from 2017 through 2021 consisting of 15 projects. The investment plan is meant to turn the EEC into ASEAN’s leading investment destination, attracting potential investors to Thailand’s 10 targeted industries, including the opportunity for foreign investors to hold majority shareholders' rights in EEC area. Taking the first step, the Thai government has selected four major projects to be accelerated, as a basic infrastructures need to be developed to initiate and accelerate the EEC development plan. The selected four projects are:

1. U-Tapao airport expansion and development
2. The development of three ports, namely Map Ta Phut Port Phase 3, Sattahip Port and Laem Chabang Port Phase 3
3. The construction of the eastern high-speed rail
4. The development of the double-track railways which will link to Laem Chabang and Map Ta Phut ports

The development of EEC will bring a great deal of benefits to other regions of Thailand as it directly connects to other Eastern provinces including Prachin Buri, Srakaew, Chantaburi and Trad, as well as serve as economic link between upper and lower Northeastern region, and the Gulf of Thailand. As such, Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Infrastructure Development Project Conference 2018, is a “must-to-attend” to all forward thinking companies and industry players to participate in this USD 43 billion lucrative project, to be updated on latest investment incentives, gain fresh insight into planning and managing these infrastructure projects, as well as be a significant part by participating in the realization of these eastern provinces as lucrative hubs, including an aviation hub, a logistics hub, a trade hub, a distribution hub, a financial hub, and a key medical-tourism destination in the future.