World Equipment & Protection Systems in Explosive Atmospheres Conference 2013

  1. Overview
  2. Programme
  3. Gallery
  4. Delegates
  5. Exhibitors
  6. Exhibition Opportunities
DAY ONE (27 June 2013)
08:00 Registration
09:00 Chairman’s introduction
09:15 The regulations, principles and practices of operating in potentially explosive atmospheres
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Codes and standards for explosive atmospheres across Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe and the region
11:00 Ensuring compliance with international standards, protecting facilities from hazards and prevention of accidents and disasters
11:45 Implementing conformity assessment and explosion safety of equipment used in potentially explosive atmosphere
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres and approved code of practice and guidance
14:45 Analysis of the modernised system for monitoring environmental parameters in workings with hazard of explosive atmospheres
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 General problems in safety technology and history of explosion protection: what you need to know
16:30 Panel Discussion on guidelines for suppliers, manufacturers and operators of equipment and protective systems for high hazard sector
17:00 End of Day One
DAY TWO (28 June 2013)
09:00 Chairman’s introduction
09:15 Hazardous location overviews, ignitions sources and protection concepts
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Understanding intrinsic safety, hazardous areas and explosive atmospheres
11:00 Risk assessment of explosive atmospheres and the assessment of explosive risks
11:45 Latest guidelines on enclosures for potentially explosive atmospheres
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Explosion protection in filtering equipment in explosive atmospheres environments
14:45 Fieldbus barrier for safety application in hazardous area: capability and reliability
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 Functional safety assessment of protective systems for potentially explosive atmospheres
16:30 Panel discussion on framework of the implementation and approximation of laws concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
17:00 End of Conference


A potentially explosive atmosphere is an atmosphere which could become explosive due to local and operational condition. If your plant, industry and sector uses, produces or stores potentially explosive products that in turn create potentially explosive atmospheres, then, this conference is a must to attend.

Recent explosion-related industrial accidents throughout the world have caused an unprecedented environmental damage and cost many lives. On 30 July 2004, an explosion on a gas pipeline in a small Belgian town of Ghislenghien, due to a leak on the pipeline. On January 2008, a chemical plant explosion at Kunming, China, killing 5 and injured 32 others. On September 2012, the San Francisco's gas pipeline explosion occured. On 12 March 2013, a pipeline erupted into flames in the Gulf of Mexico, another stark reminder of the dangers in offshore production. On April 2012, a major explosion rocks petrochemical plant in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Most recently, on 14 January 2013, a chemical plant explosion in China's Shandong Aocter Chemical Plan in China. All these explosion-related incidents that have taken place over the last few years, along with a wide range of industries are at risk from flammable gases, vapours, powders and dust explosions, just waiting to happen. Against this backdrop, World Equipment & Protective Systems in Explosive Atmospheres Conference 2013 is a timely platform for industry players and decision-makers to re-define an explosive area and ensuring equipment safety from potentially explosive environments, be updated on the regulations concerning equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres as well as keeping abreast on best practices and standardization of equipment and services in the explosive atmospheres sector and to ensure compliance with international standards.

Do you have an explosive atmosphere on site? Do you need explosive protection? It is time to re-evaluate current equipment and protective systems to ensure it meets compliance with international standards and most critically, taking a closer look at the complexity of potentially hazardous environments and situation that we are facing now.

In response to a globalization of industrial equipments and an increased demand for flammable and potentially explosive substances, the need for explosion proof and certified safe equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres has grown significantly. Leveraging from a potentially explosive atmosphere that can be caused by a buildup of dangerous gases and dust clouds, this renders the need for certified safe electrical and mechanical equipment to ensure that the buildup will prevent from any ignition that will trigger an explosion. These scenarios and atmospheres are not limited to fuels, oil, gas, petrochemical, and chemical plant applications, but including environments where airborne dust is found at potentially hazardous levels, such as a vast range of applications from mines to flour mills. Likewise, explosions can be initiated by a wide range of permanently installed electrical/electronic equipment, including those brought into the hazardous area by personnel, from simple torches and mobile phones to fix and often complex industrial electrical and mechanical equipment. As a result of this complexity of potentially hazardous environments and situations involving a vast range of electrical/electronic equipment and machinery, catastrophic events occur in which compliance is not ensured and given a separate compliance and regulatory.