
Casino Expansion Projects
& Regulating Casinos
Conference 2019

Incorporating update on the current status of casino expansion projects and regulating casinos across the USA, Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East, Asia Pacific, including Japan as well as Cambodia

Conference 2019

13 & 14 August 2019* Phnom Penh, Cambodia***

  1. Overview
  2. Programme
  3. Gallery
  4. Delegates
  5. Exhibitors
  6. Exhibition Opportunities
DAY ONE (13 August 2019)
08:30 Registration
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Regulating casinos: scope for greater consolidation of casino regulation to deal with the growing complexities of casino gaming landscape
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Update on the current status of casino expansion projects: Reviewing Asia Pacific region
11:00 Country focus: Cambodia’s robust gaming regulations – where casinos can be built and for how long casinos can maintain their licenses, as well as a new tax code for casino operators

(A new draft “Law of the Management of Integrated Resorts and Commercial Gaming” (LMGT) aimed at regulating casinos is expected to be passed sometime in 2019. Amongst other, such classifications will dictate where casinos can be built and for how long casinos can maintain their licenses. The LMGT is also expected to establish a new tax code for casino operators).

11:45 Country focus: Casino development in Japan - prospect for a huge new revenue stream on the line for casino operators

(On 20 July 2018, the Japanese government has authorized the initial three casino resort licenses to be built by the mid-2020s. This is a huge new revenue stream on the line for casino operators. Japan is attempting to compete with regional rivals including Macau, Singapore and South Korea with the planned casinos).

12:30 Lunch
14:00 Gaming security and integrity: current practices and the unique challenges
14:45 The role of regulator and the insights and issues with international gaming regulation
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 Modern development in gaming technology and how the market evolved
16:30 Panel Discussion
17:00 End of Day 1
DAY TWO (14 August 2019)
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Update on the current status of casino expansion projects: Reviewing the USA, Europe, Russia, Africa and Middle East
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Integrated resort casino model: examine the issues/risk, potential impact and the challenges ahead
11:00 An insight into online casino gaming development
11:45 Moving into the Live Dealer Online (LDO) market that will ensure remote wagering with the assurance that the game is legitimate: what every junket operators must know
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Integrated resort casino development and its impact on tourism
14:45 Understanding the impact of technology on the casino gaming industry and its regulation
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 Responsible gaming and how the casino manages it
16:30 Concluding Panel Discussion
17:00 End of Conference


The Programme (Day 1 and Day 2) is updated as at 5 April 2019. From time to time, there will be changes to the content and structure of the programme, including incorporating critical issues and topics suggested by the panel of experts. All this is geared to add value and diversity to the discussions during the conference. Please email us at should you require a copy of latest programme.