
Toll Road

Investment Opportunities &
Sustainable Construction

Conference 2019

3 & 4 December 2019* Jakarta, Indonesia***

  1. Overview
  2. Programme
  3. Gallery
  4. Delegates
  5. Exhibitors
  6. Exhibition Opportunities
DAY ONE (3 December 2019)
08:30 Registratione
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Current state of Indonesia's toll road infrastructure investments market
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Project financing models for toll road investments in Indonesia
11:00 Managing construction risks of toll road project in Indonesia
11:45 Maximize sustainability in toll road construction
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Effects of toll road construction on local road projects in Indonesia
14:45 How to assess the effectiveness of toll road infrastructure delivery systems
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 Conducting due diligence of the toll road projects
16:30 Panel Discussion
17:00 End of Day 1
DAY TWO (4 December 2019)
09:00 Introduction
09:15 Critical review of Indonesia PPP regulations and frameworks
10:00 Morning Refreshments
10:15 Toll road PPPs: identifying, mitigating and managing traffic risk
11:00 How do you invest in toll roads?
11:45 Toll road regulation and legal protection that gives guarantees for the investors
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Implementing electronic toll collection in Indonesia toll road
14:45 A real options framework to evaluate investments in toll road projects
15:30 Afternoon Refreshments
15:45 How and when to use private money in toll road infrastructure projects
16:30 Concluding Panel Discussion
17:00 End of Conference

Toll roads an essential part of Indonesia's economic expansion, with key challenges to attract diversified financing coming from private investment, as key to successful delivery of the project, including sustainability in toll road construction

Indonesia’s existing road network will suffer from increasing levels of congestion in the future due to the continued growth in the population and vehicle numbers. This problem will be exacerbated without the construction of new road links. Therefore, improvements to road network are the top priority, as the progress of the transportation system is indeed one of the determining factors of economic growth in a country. This system should be supported by the existence of roads, including adequate toll roads, so that the traffic distribution of people, goods and services will be more easily achieved.

Against this development and priority, Indonesia is expected to deliver 4,500-km of road network in the immediate future, which would nearly triple the length of the country’s current road network. Previous attempts to overhaul transport infrastructure faced with challenges, including construction and maintenance delays and/or a lack of funding. As such, to ensure successful delivery of the project on time, Indonesia has sought to increase private sector participation in toll road infrastructure projects, unveiling a series of new developments and announcing a shift in funding policy that could open the door to more international and domestic investors. This conference provides a timely platform to secure an opportunity in investing in toll road projects in Indonesia, as well as to participate in the planning and construction phase of the project to maximize sustainability in toll road construction.


The Programme (Day 1 and Day 2) is updated as at 25 June 2019. From time to time, there will be changes to the content and structure of the programme, including incorporating critical issues and topics suggested by the panel of experts. All this is geared to add value and diversity to the discussions during the conference. Please email us at should you require a copy of latest programme.